Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Child 1: "I need to pray for (Child 2) so she'll stop making me sneak into her stuff!"

Child 1 continues, "Her just leaves her stuff right where I can see it and tells me to stay away and that makes me get it.  Yeah, that's why I need to pray for her, so she can let me play with all the stuff I see!"

One of our children has the privilege of receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this evening. (Not children listed above.)

-Adding prayer request for him and all families, please!

But, what a great lesson Child 1 teaches us.  Maybe, just maybe, it's not the annoying person (and their thoughtlessness about me) that needs to change.  Maybe I need change.  Maybe I should pray for self control so that I am not 'made' to sneak, lie, hurt, blab etc.  Adults need change - it's what perfects our souls.  We need to reconcile our weaknesses and sin and ask for the grace to love more.

That is the bottom line- LOVE.  Love that irritating person in our lives.  I was thinking this morning: I need to love more.  We don't ever get irritating to God.  It's quite the opposite. When we get more awful and irksome, he wants to be closer to us. He doesn't run and hide (we do).  He doesn't avoid companionship, He longs for it and waits for our return. Maybe I too should long for that companionship, wait in love for those I struggle with. I'm pretty sure that's why God has put them in my life: so I may grow in holiness.  I have nothing more to worry about. Thankfully, God has a plan for us - to bring us closer to Him.  That includes, most especially, the times we fail. These failings may be our greatest gift; we learn that sin and weakness is really all we have to give Him, and in return He fills us with love and strength.

I think we have the better deal.

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