Thursday, May 14, 2009


We made it through another Spring Carnival last night!
Most of the activities were moved inside due to rain. It makes for quite a crowded, stuffy evening, but that doesn't seem to phase anyone except us spoiled adults! Or maybe just me, my large belly, and trying to find little people amongst the giant school aged children.

Despite that, it was FUN. Even for us spoiled adults. It was relaxing to a certain degree, thanks to a dear husband's presence with our youngsters!

To recap:
Kathryn 'finally' got her turn in the dunk tank! She has been waiting for this day for a few years. Sadly, her shift was at the beginning of the day, and yes, we were late. I missed throwing the ball at the target to share my love and soak her graduating self. That would have been so rewarding (for me). And for her - however she said she was ready to laugh if I missed. Come on, Kathryn, you should know by now, when it comes to throwing a ball at a target, your mother will NOT miss! Especially when it involves getting my beloved daughter wet - which is what you wanted to achieve in the first place! Do you feel the love?

I only saw Gabrielle when we started and finished. Luke came home with a stash of 2 Liter soda's, with his only disappointment being that Code Red Mountain Dew was not available. (Like he needs that stuff!) He and Michael closed off the Bingo tables, and I think I saw them a couple times throughout the evening. Daniel's favorite game was fishing and trying to ring a 2Liter Soda, and John's was also getting the soda. (He did get one!) and golfing. Gina kept going back to the fishing hole, and Vincent liked it as well - except for when he had to hand over the fishing pole. My husband was surprised/scared to notice all the people who took notice of his little Gina. He commented to me, "Everyone knows her!" People of all sizes say hi to her - my reply, 'What do you expect when the princess enters the room?' ;)

At the end of the evening, our 'little' family gathered around the soccer net for a meeting place. Our kids, plus some stragglers, ran off some more excited energy trying to score goals on each other as we waited for our tribe to unite. Vincent amused himself with spurts of chasing a football and falling in the mud, to kicking a soccer ball, and then splashing in the puddles.

It was a joy filled evening -

Even when it ended with my own puddle splashing. I must say, I would rather splash in the puddles outside than on my bathroom floor! But the puddle on the bathroom floor made me laugh. Gina's response, "I missed." I think she got that from the boys...

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