Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And God Laughed

The Easter Joy continues!

Stop and think for a moment...

All along God's road as man, the devil thought he was in control. He laughed at the ridiculous adventure of God's vulnerability as human. I'm guessing he thought this would be too easy, man is weak, he would be able to crush man with temptations, and if that didn't work, he will get rid of him by death. Following that thought, I can hear the proclamation of a wicked laugh, "Ah ha, ha, ha, ha!"

It is finished. God dies. Hope is lost. The devil celebrates.

But not for long! Round 2 (ding, ding, ding)
Jesus descended to hell to gather and lead a procession of souls, worthy of salvation, to Paradise.

And God laughs - the Laugh of Love, the Smile of Joy!

As I read through the readings for today, I noticed 3 questions:

1.) What are we to do?
Be a witness to Joy. Look for the minuscule suffering or temptation that we can join with Jesus today. So as we retire for the night, we can ask, "God, are you laughing?" Let the joy of the Lord be our strength! What is JOY you ask? A feeling a great pleasure and happiness. How do we find it here? Keeping Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last!

2.) Why are you weeping?
Yes, we as humans will experience suffering, and sadness. Weeping is not wrong. As as woman, I look to Mary, and the great sorrow she experienced. Then, (when I remember) I exchange my weeping for mercy to be shown upon those of us "who know not what we do". This can be such a beautiful prayer. Jesus Himself tells us, "Weep not for me, but for your children." Who can we spiritually adopt, to exchange our tears of sadness for tears of Love?

3.) Who are you looking for?
As Jesus' humanity thirsts for us, my soul joins Mary Magdalen, athirst for the returning King. Jesus went out with a bang, and I am certain it will be the same upon His return! He will come, and even today, His blood and water are pouring forth graces of Healing, Love, and Mercy. Keep watch with me, and Trust in Him!

This morning, something is different in the Adoration chapel. The monstrance shines, the alter linen is pressed - the ladies ahead of me think the alter is crooked ;-). I don't notice that imperfection, but I do notice the Perfect Love that shines through our imperfect humanity! If we, like Christ, allow our weaknesses to be handed over to our Heavenly Father's will, He in turn will be glorified through us. And we will someday join with God's laugh.

The battle is not yet over! There is still work to be done!
We must fulfill our duties cheerfully, and allow Christ's love to shine from our eyes. The only way this can happen is by spending time with Him in silent prayer, so that He may give His Love to us. As we give ourselves to Him, He gives Himself to those around us! A perfect union and reminder that "We are One Body, One Body in Christ, and we do not stand alone!" -Dana Scallon

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